Saturday 2 December 2017


Lufthansa Airbus A380-800 At Berlin-Schönefeld

Lufthansa Airbus A380-800 At Berlin

Lufthansa Airbus A380-800 At Berlin-Schönefeld

Largest German carrier, Lufthansa with largest passenger aircraft, Airbus A380-800 while taxiing at Berlin-Schoenefeld Airport, Germany. This photo shot by Olav Groening, the picture shown during taxi, there is old man on his bike approaching e aircraft. The size difference is obvious, the man looks so small compare to the giant bird.

Berlin-Schoenefeld Airport located at border of Berlin City near Schoenefeld city. The airport is smaller than main airport Berlin Tegel Airport. Berlin-Schoenefeld Airport focuses on low-cost-carrier flights and especially for domestic and European destinations. Passengers able to continue to the city center via express train.

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